
bibliográfica básica

1993 Dictionary of Paul and His Letters, Downers Grove, IL: InterVarsity Press.

ACFEB 1996 Paul de Tarse, Paris: Cerf.

Alain BADIOU1997 Saint Paul. La fondation de l’universalisme, Paris : PUF.

C.K. BARRETT 2003 On Paul. Aspects of his life, Work and Influence in the Early Church,
London – New York: T. & T. Clark.

Juan Josè BARTOLOMÉ1997 Pablo de Tarso. Una introducción a la vida y a la obra de un apóstol de Cristo, Madrid: Editorial CCS.

Jurgen BECKER 1993 Paul: Apostle to the Gentiles, Louisville, KY: Westminster / John Knox.

M.J. BORG – J.D. CROSSAN 2009 El primer Pablo. La recuperácion de un visionario radical, Estella
(Navarra): Verbo Divino.

Bruce CHILTON2004 Rabbi Paul. An Intellectual Biography, New York – London: Doubleday.

J. D. CROSSAN – J. L. REED 2006 En busca de Pablo. El Imperio de Roma y el Reino de Dios, Estella
(Navarra): Verbo Divino.

Nils DAHL1997 Studies in Paul: A Theology for Early Christian Mission, Minneapolis: Augsburg.

A. DETTWILER – J.-D. KAESTLI – D. MARGUERAT 2004 Paul, une théologie en construction, Genève : Labor et Fides.

James D.G. DUNN1997 The Theology of Paul the Apostle, Grand Rapids: Wm. B. Eerdmans.

Jacques DUPONT1944 Gnosis : la connaissance religieuse dans les Épitres de Saint Paul, Louvain : Nauwelaerts.

Rinaldo FABRIS1997 Paolo. L’apostolo delle genti, Milano: Paoline.

Joseph A. FITZMYER1993 According to Paul: Studies in the Theology of the Apostle, New York: Paulist Press.
1996 Paul and His Theology: A Brief Sketch, New York: Prentice- Hall.

Odile FLICHY2007 La figure de Paul dans les Actes des Apôtres, Paris : Cerf.

Simon LÉGASSE 1991 Paul apôtre, Paris: Cerf.

Hyam MACCOBY1991 Paul and Hellenism, London: SCM Press.

Wayne MEEKS1983 The First Urban Christians: The Social World of the Apostle Paul, New Haven: Yale University Press.

Jerome MURPHY-O’CONNOR1968 Paul and Qumran, Chicago : The Priory Press.
2008 Paulo – Um homem inquieto, um apóstolo insuperável, Lisboa: Paulinas. 2008 Jesus e Paulo : vidas paralelas, Lisboa: Paulinas.
2008 Paulo e as mulheres, Lisboa: Paulinas.
2010 Paulo, escritor de cartas, Lisboa : Paulinas..

Mauro PESCE1994 Le due fasi della predicazione di Paolo, Bologna : Dehoniane.

Antonio PITTA1998 Il paradosso della croce. Saggi di teologia paolina, Casale Monferrato :

Michel QUESNEL2001 Paul et les commencements du christianisme, Paris: Desclée de Brouwer.

Chantal REYNIER2005 Paul de Tarse en Méditerranée. Recherches autour de la navigation dans
l’Antiquité (Ac 27-28,16), Paris : Cerf.
2009 Saint Paul sur les routes du monde romain. Infrastructures, logistique,
itinéraires, Paris : Cerf.

E.P. SANDERS 1977 Paul and Palestinian Judaism. A Comparison of Patterns of Religion,
Philadelphia: Fortress Press.
1984 Paul, the Law, and the Jewish People, Philadelphia: Fortress Press.

Christophe SENFT2002 Jésus et Paul. Qui fut l’inventeur du christianisme?, Genève : Labor et Fides.

J. TAUBES2006 La teología política de Pablo, Madrid: Trotta.

P. WALKER 2008 Nas pégadas de Paulo, Lisboa: Paulinas.

K. WENGST 2008 Lettera a Filomene, Brescia: Paideia.

2007 I Cristiani visti dai romani, Brescia: Paideia.

B. WITHERINGTON III 1994 Paul’s Narrative Thought World, Louisville, KY: Westminster John Knox.
1999 The Paul Quest: The Renewed Search for the Jew of Tarsus, Downer’s Grove, IL: Intervarsity Press.

Tom WRIGHT1997 What Saint Paul really said. Was Paul of Tarsus the real Founder of Christianity?, Oxford: Lion Publishing plc.

Atenção aos números monográficos que os seguintes periódicos dedicaram recentemente aos estudos de São Paulo:

Études Théologiques Religieuses, 2000/3
Recherches de Science Religieuse 2002 (90/3)
Didaskalia 2008/1
Theologica 2008/2 ; 2009/1

NB : Uma bibliografia específica será indicada em cada módulo temático

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